5 Traits That Someone Need In Order To Be Succesful

Deep down inside, we know what we should do, I’m just here to give you the affirmation to go for it.

Evan Reginald H.
6 min readOct 20, 2021
Photo by Nilina from Pexels

First of all, let us define what is ‘successful’. One might define it as gaining a huge amount of profit or having a wide range of popularity. Being successful is not necessarily mean you are rich or being a celebrity or a famous public figure because I believe someone is successful when they are able to achieve their dream, accomplish their long-time goals, and able to live comfortably as they living the dream, content with how their life turns out. How many of us can confidently say to ourselves that “I am successful”? I personally feel like I’m not successful yet, I’m still trying and putting my best effort to achieve my dream as a content creator with a limited budget, and writing in Medium is my small step to start it. I realize there are several traits that I see in people who I recognize as someone ‘successful’ in life.

They Start With A Strong Image of Dreaming

It’s easier to ask a child than an adult if you want to ask “What is your dream?”. The children will confidently say they want to be an astronaut, a pilot, a doctor, or an actor/actress that they see in the movies. Us, adult, have developed the taste of reality and understand the hardship that we will have to go through to realize those dreams. But what I saw from some amazing individuals in my life is that they have a dream — a strong image of what they wanted to be in the future.

Based on that dream, though not in full detail, they will create a work plan on how to start the journey in achieving that dream. They will slowly, step by step, try to achieve smaller milestones as they climb even higher until they got what they want. It’s hard, isn’t it? But I think to be successful, we have to realize what we want, what is our passion, and what is our objective in life that we want to achieve. Because the feeling of success is the sense of accomplishment that you will experience once you are able to achieve that dream.

They Voluntarily Get Out of Their Comfort Zone

Do you ever see someone in college, or school, who studies or is active in every organizational event at your school/college? Them who only have the time to do school projects in the middle of the night because their whole day is booked with activities or any voluntary work — just to wake up early morning to attend another day in the class? Though they might seem overworked themselves, I will always give them my utmost respect. I know they are tired, stressed, to the point of being sick which is what some of my friends are going through in college. I’ve always asked them, why are they going so far? For what purposes? This is how most of them answer it:

Because I want to learn, I want to have the experience on how things work, and I want to do them all with a slight hope that what I’m working here will be recognized later in the future.

I believe this is related to the work plan of achieving the dream itself. They know what they want, know what they should do and they believe — the grind that they are doing right now will pave the path for them to achieve that dream. Of course, it’s not limited to students. We all will grind at some point, and work hard is a must for us, either you are a young adult — adult— or at any age. We should realize that being successful is not easy, and is meant to tire us to death, but all of that will be worth our time in the end.

They Learn As They Walk

One of the common behavior that I found in them is they are never afraid and always have the willpower to start everything from the scratch. Cause there is a lot of case where everyone already give up before they even start because they feel like they don’t have the capabilities or feel ashame to do it. Everyone is a newbie at first, do not be afraid of what people think of you whether you start late, or not as fast as others when learning about something. Because in the end, you will be better at anything that you want to do if you give enough time and effort to actually do it. There is no such thing as a failure in learning, the only time you ever fail is when you have given up on learning it. Either it takes you months or years, you should keep on keeping up that flame of hope no matter what anyone said or if anyone ridicules you about your effort— because they don’t have the right to teach you how you should live your life.

They Are Not Afraid To Ask

Some of us, or at least in college are always afraid to ask. One of the most common answers I got when I ask them is because they don’t want to look stupid, or they have the mindset they are not gonna understand even after they got the explanation that they need anyway. This is a toxic mindset honestly because we are denying our own weakness and at the same time, setting an expectation for ourselves.

We should understand that we are lacking a lot of things in life, especially about information and experiences. The drive of curiosity and humbleness is what gets those who are successful to the place where they are right now. They are there, because they are acknowledging what they can’t do or what they don’t know and ready to learn, open ears, and repeat it as many times as it takes until they fully grasp the information.

Failure Is Part of Learning Process

Of course, even after a lot of questions and learning other experiences when pursuing something doesn't mean that it will guarantee you a road to success. Life is all about random variables jumbled together and we should acknowledge that there is no one successful who never tastes the bitterness of failure. Either on a small or a large scale that can even ruin their whole years of hard work, they must have an experience with failure or disappointment with their own work at least once. But what we should know is that our failures are valuable information for us to learn in order to not repeat the same mistake in the future. It also gives you the capability to handle similar problems and strengthen your solving skills in general.

I know it all sounds easy when it’s just words, but every time you want to give up after a failure, always remember on why you started it in the first place. Remember the time and effort that you have put into this dream of yours, and keep on pursuing it. I believe, that hard and smart work will never betray anyone in their life.



Evan Reginald H.

Life isn’t always black or white, right and wrong, guilty and innocent. It’s always about how you see it, and this is how I perceive the universe called life.